This page is dedicated to my personal thoughts, ideas and philosophies that I have come to believe and live by throughout my years.
- Chris Aldridge.
Sometimes you may find yourself defending the rights of someone who wouldn't defend yours, but that's how you become American.
If you want to hear Death laugh, tell Him how rich you are.
Truth is not for people who want big circles of friends.
It's very easy for a nation to become fascist, but nearly impossible to undo.
The Gods never charge us money for the things we need. Greed and exploitation have always been human constructs.
You show American patriotism by fighting for the oppressed and powerless.
Sometimes, in order to find out who you are, you have to experience who you are not.
The Hero does things that the common person is either unable or unwilling to do.
What is good and evil? Simply put, the Gods and the lack thereof.
Life threw its greatest challenges at Odysseus, but the challenges also brought Him to see many beautiful things and gain much wisdom that would not have been possible otherwise.
Each morning, wake up with a love for life and a heart grateful to the Gods.
Nature is the Gods showing us how beautiful they are, and giving us the privilege of living in that beauty.
Sometimes the only language an oppressor understands is the sword.
Science has never attacked my belief in the Gods. It has only strengthened it.
Always allow the goodness of the Gods to shine through you. You will make the world a better place.
Moderation is about finding a healthy balance, to neither overindulge nor starve, for both are equally destructive.
Each day is not just a privilege, but a gift, to be able to know and love the Gods.
Ears that spurn will the hard way learn.
Hellenism is not only defined by how we worship, but by how we treat others.
If my neighbor's rights are not protected, neither are mine.
There are no easy roads in life, but the Gods will give you a strong chariot.
When you're honest with yourself and others, you never have to worry about negative consequences.
To pretend to be something you're not is the greatest of all betrayals.
Love will free you, not shackle you. If it shackles you, it's not love.
Life can be hard, but the Gods are the joy that we can always experience.
Always allow a complete examination before making conclusions. Things usually aren't as bad as you fear.
On your deathbed, you will regret all the things you never did.
A good priest or priestess prays and sacrifices for others more than for themselves.
Poseidon would let us all drink from His river, regardless of race, gender, or the other things that divide humans.
If you don't let your grief blind you, the Gods will give you peace, healing and purpose in every tragedy.
Be yourself, because that's good enough.
Love the Gods and each other, because in the end, there's nothing else.
Think about all the reasons you can instead of all the reasons you can't.
Reading and writing are two of the most beautiful human arts. One is the ability to go anywhere, the other, to create anything.
Many people will see you in many different ways, but what matters most is how you see yourself.
Socrates really only have one message: think for yourself.
There is beauty in everything if you have the right eyes.
A marriage works best when you face everything together. Never see one another as the enemy.
Hellenists believe in Gods of peace, but we also wear armor, because we know there comes time for both.
Your humanity is blessed, not damned.
The Gods love it when you create good things.
For good people, the Gods work out good things.
If someone asks me to show them the love of the Gods, I will show them the bright sun on their face, the fresh breeze in the air, the soft grass beneath their feet, the beautiful flowers that smell so wonderful, the shimmering fields and towering forests, the peaceful flow of the passing river, children playing happily, and friends and family who love them.
If you can't put the Gods first, who can you put first? The Gods are the greatest of all.
Life is about sacrifice. We cannot lament over what we have lost, but rather, build life from the altar ashes.
If the only way to change you is to put you through fire, the Gods will.
In the end, you lose everything except your soul, so work on that most of all.
Enlightenment is when you love the Gods more than yourself.
The Greek Hero has been around since before written history. In all of us there's someone who feels like a victim of circumstance who doesn't know what to do with life, but also a unique person of strength and goodness. We may never kill a Minotaur like Theseus or a Hydra like Herakles, but the things that the Greek Hero embodies; the eagerness of overcome faults, the willingness to help others, and the desire to fight for all of humanity, that's an ideal role model for anyone.
Only the Gods own the Earth. Live by this ideal and you will always have a safe and clean place to call home.
Ultimately I do not worry about anything, because I know who my Gods are.
All blessings require a sacrifice.