Showing posts with label rituals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rituals. Show all posts

Thursday, February 28, 2019

A Sense of Faithful Fear

If you base your religion on the views of the ancient Greeks, there's no denying that Greeks do fear, as well as love, the Gods, but it's for a good reason and perhaps not in the way you think.

Firstly, any mortal who doesn't have some level of fear for a God, is foolhardy at best. Fear isn't something that is directly taught in Greek religion, it's simply there by nature. You should fear a God for the same reason you'd fear a bolt of lightning, or a raging sea, because they are more powerful than you and can wipe you from life in the blink of an eye. A God is also far wiser than yourself will ever be. Fear is the result of a recognition of superior power. It is the "right" kind of fear because it breeds humility and prudence. Without a good sense of these things, we may find ourselves in more trouble than we can get out of.

Fear does not mean you're not brave, strong or confident, there is simply a fine line between these things and arrogance and stupidity. For example, saving someone from drowning is brave, strong and confident, but swimming with sharks is stupid, and you will eventually become drive thru for a dinosaur. Fear is merely the recognition of your place and limitations, arrogance is a failure to do so. Now some people might ask me, "Didn't the Heroes do things that most people would have considered beyond human limitation?" Yes, they did, but they were sent by the Gods to do something that was possible. They also didn't sink in over their heads. In fact, the Gods routinely provided them with assistance so they wouldn't. Bellerophon couldn't have killed the Chimera without Pegasos (the horse of heaven). A Hero always knows, recognizes, and most importantly, accepts the difference between themselves and the Divine. Being an affront to the Gods is not what it means to be a Hero.

I find that a lack of fear and piety among Pagans can be an issue. I've seen Pagan writers call Gods "scoundrels," and Pagan worshipers call them "assholes." While it may be rare, it is certainly a real case. A mortal picking a fight with a God is idiotic at best. Probably the only reason they haven't punished those people is because of their forgiving nature, or they think there is something mentally wrong with that individual. At any rate, you're never going to gain the favor of a God by insults, arrogance, or impiety. Even if they don't punish you, they'll probably turn away. Would you help someone who insulted you? Probably not, you likely wouldn't even give them the time of day until they shaped up and treated you with proper respect.

The only time fear is wrong is when it's unwarranted. Fear the Gods because you know they can destroy you, but love them because you know they're kind enough not to, and you will find wisdom. 

In the Goodness of the Gods,
Chris Aldridge.

Monday, November 19, 2018

How To Build Private Prayer Space For All Purposes

Polytheists and Pagans like being private people. The number of solitary practitioners is one of the highest denominations, if you will, in the community. In some Pagan Paths, like Wicca, it's even drawn controversy as to whether or not it's even legitimate for a Wiccan to be without a Coven. So those of us who enjoy our alone time with the Gods and our spirituality are massive. When I built my own entirely private altar just a few days ago, I wasn't even in the market for it when I stumbled upon the marvelous items for it at a local Goodwill store, but I'm always on the lookout for new stuff I can use and design for my pursuits in life. Originally, I went to Goodwill that day because I always try to buy a little something I like each time I get paid, so I was looking for nice decorations for my home.

As you can see from the first picture on the right, I assembled a private altar very nicely, facing the direction of the rising Sun each morning. Of course, the lower wooden stand is the altar for prayer, sacrifice and even festival celebrations for a particular God when necessary. In the center is the incense burner which is the common offering at this altar, on the left a relief of Eos (Goddess of the dawn) and on the right Hemera (Goddess of the day), over shadowed by a golden, metal reef of flowers. At the very top is a central wall niche to finish. The total price for all of it was about $16. That's the reason I always tell Pagans to search for religious items at thrift stores and antique shops. You can find absolutely wonderful things that cost virtually nothing.

Now the altar is for universal purpose. In other words, prayers, worship and rituals regarding any God(s), Spirit(s) or Hero(es) I want at any given time. But there may also be times to focus on one particular Divinity, such as for a festival or personal need, and that's what the wall niche at the top is for. As you can see from the picture on the left, if time comes for this direct focus, I just place a statue, picture or symbol of the God, Spirit or Hero on there. For example, Hephaistos in this picture, and for the purpose of, let's say, celebrating His festival on October 30th called Khalkeia. In this instance, my private prayer space can transform into a temporary altar or small temple or sanctuary of Hephaistos. When the celebrations are finished, I simply take the statue back to the original place I took it from, and the altar then returns to universal purpose. One of the best things about this space besides how cheap it was to make it, is that it does not take up much room at all. It's barely one yard across, and about two yards high.  The lower wooden section also has a lower shelf that can be used for things like prayer and ritual books, solid offerings, libation bowls, and/or to house relics of Gods or Heroes. With this small and very affordable establishment I have built in my own private living space, I can do all things religious that I need to in terms of worship and ritual. 

Don't be afraid to go out and try this for yourself if you need something like I have built, or perhaps more importantly, if you think something like this would be the most practical for you at this time. There is always more than one way to be Pagan.

In the Goodness of the Gods,
Chris Aldridge.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Theseia ~ A Way To Celebrate The Oktober Rite

On October 8th, Hellenes everywhere will recognize or celebrate the ancient Festival of Theseus, the founder and Hero of Athens and her democracy, and the slayer of the infamous Minotaur monster who devoured innocent young girls and boys of Athens until Minos met the only man who wasn't afraid of him, Theseus.

Years ago, or so it seems, I constructed a rite to the Hero that anyone can practice, not only during Theseia, but any time they like throughout the year, the purpose being to honor and worship the Hero and bring His presence into one's life and/or home. Permission is granted to the Hellenic and Pagan community to use this rite whenever and wherever they like, so long as credit is given to me, its author.

1) To begin the Rite of Theseus, place in the center of your shrine or altar a statue of Theseus, or a picture or representation of the Hero. Do the proper cleansing of the altar, the offerings, and yourself.

2) Light the flame of the altar, which can be as simple as a candle, and recite the following declaration, "I light the flame of the altar, to burn bright with the Spirit of Theseus of Troezen, Hero and King of Athens and the mighty slayer of the Minotaur, Founder of festivals and the unity of the people who gather in His presence."

3) Bring forth and recite the journeys and times of Theseus with the following recitals, and offerings or gifts placed after each reference or invocation.

Journey to Athens
"The long, lost son of Aegeus He was, born in blessed Troezen, and lifting the great stone to find the gifts His father had left behind, and taking them into His possession, the great sword and sandals, to make His journey to blessed Athens, that He may reunite with His father and claim His birthright. Along the way, many enemies and evildoers did He encounter, and thus He slayed them that they may be punished, and the Hellenic people freed. O' Theseus, who brings rescue from evil and ruthlessness, I welcome you as a Savior, and to you sweet fragrance must be given.

(Light The Incense)

Destruction of the Minotaur
"Sailing the beautiful Aegean, Theseus on the sea, mighty Sailor, He bravely traveled to the island of Minos to free the people of Athens from the tyranny of the Minotaur and the oppression of the Minoan monarch. He confronted the half-man, half-bull monster in the endless labyrinth, and struck the beast dead to the floor of the maze. Never again would Athens yield and submit, for Minos now knew the power of Athena's people. Theseus who brings us salvation from tyranny and oppression, I welcome you as Liberator, and for this greatness, a great libation should be poured to you."

(Pour the Libation)

Unification of Attica and the Founding of Panathenaia
"To the region of Attica, scattered and divided, Theseus brought the Union, both of land and people, into the great State of Athens. He founded its historic democracy which has since inspired the free world, He created its brilliant festival of Athena's people known as Panathenaia, and He pushed Athens to the heights of its most glorious and influential times. I welcome you, Theseus, as the great Unity, the Founder of free government, and the Father of our festivals, and in that honor, I give you a beautiful fabric of my home, robes given for a King, to see you with delight and wrap your statue/image in beauty."

(Wrap the Cloth Around)

4) Grand Invocation
"O' Theseus of Troezen, Hero and King of Athens, slayer of the Minotaur, lead me to victory over the monsters in my life, free me of tyranny, and bring me to liberation, through the goodness of the Gods, and the grace of Athena's blessed City."

5) Closing Prayer
"As I bring my holy and sacred rite to a close, I give thanks to Theseus for hearing my prayers, delighting in my gifts, and blessing my home and life with the goodness and freedom that He brings. As Athens declared, Nothing Without Theseus."

(Blow Kiss of Love To The King)

Final Note- Consider finishing the rite or the day with a feast in honor of Theseus.

Also know that I wrote a book on Theseus some time ago. Consider purchasing a copy if you would like to learn more about Him by clicking on this Link.
Theseus: His Life, Mysteries and Virtues
In the Goodness of the Gods,
Chris Aldridge.

Monday, October 16, 2017

The Many Functions of Incense During Prayer/Ritual

We often think incense to be among the simplest of religious and ritual tools, but it does, in fact, serve a range of functions in one's spirituality, and knowing this can help a practitioner grow.

The first step in using incense properly and successfully when you pray is to find some that is of quality make and sweet fragrance. Often times, people settle for cheap brands that can be found in places like Walmart. They smell terrible and are probably not made from pure material. It's a cheap knock off and it's not going to be pleasing to anyone sensing it. Walmart may have other great things, but incense isn't one of them. I know this because, back in the day, I also used to purchase said incense and it was always unbearable. When I started buying quality material like frankincense from reputable suppliers, the difference was amazing. A Pagan supplier is going to give you your best incense, not cheap chain stores. It's important to know the difference.

When you burn your cones or sticks during ritual and/or prayer, the first obvious purpose is offering to the Gods. Since ancient times, incense products have been used to invoke and please Deities. Certain kinds, such as frankincense, also act as a purifying force to cleanse the area of negativity and miasma (pollution). Sometimes when I just want to pray at my shrine, I'll light a cone of incense on the altar for the purpose of purification and to burn as a consistent offerings to every God I pray to during that time. It's easier than presenting individual gifts. Perhaps one could call it a bulk offering. Incense lasts quite a while, giving me the ability to pray and offer to numerous Divinities one right after another.

The smoke of the incense and its fragrance can also travel with your prayers/words to the Gods who are near at hand when invoked, and thus your prayers arrive at them in great sweetness and pleasantness. It helps gain the attention and admiration of the Gods to your verbal statements and petitions. In short, the incense helps to please them when hearing your prayers.

Incense is also pleasing to your own self, and this is very important as well. The nice smells can lessen your stress, quiet your mind, and calm your very soul. This aids greatly in spiritual focus and physical health.

There really is no reason to not burn incense often, either during your religious activities, personal time, or both.

In the Goodness of the Gods,

Monday, April 3, 2017

The Ease of Constructing a Basic Greek Altar

One thing I love to teach people as a Hellenic priest and writer is how to construct places of worship and carry out rites. One of the reasons I enjoy teaching this is because it's not as hard or costly as some people might think or portray, especially if you're creating what I call "natural altars." It is not a complicated trade whatsoever. Lots of practitioners have really beautiful and elaborate shrines and altars with numerous statues and the like, but these things are not needed to carry out Hellenic worship. All you really need is a basic altar where you can pray, make offerings and sacrifices, and carry out ritual work. The fancy things are nice, and can indeed help with focus, but it's important to remember that the niceties are not what you're worshiping. The Gods, Spirits and Heroes are not statues, temples, or elaborate tapestries and pottery. To connect with the Gods simply because they are the Gods, is the greatest achievement.

As you can see in the picture above, the main altar of my own shrine is a simple stack of stones, which is a traditional structure of the Greek altar. It's a very simple design. These earthly pebbles were purchased for less than $1, but you can also find natural stones probably out in your yard or driveway. You only need to properly wash and cleanse them before making into an altar. Upon this stack of simple natural stones, once dedicated to your worship and the Gods, you can carry out any kind of religious practice that needs or involves an altar or a worship space. Incense can be burned upon it, libations poured, and general offerings placed. It's also very appropriate to recite prayers, hymns and practice worship here. 

So if you want to make a genuine Hellenic altar right now, find yourself a proper and safe surface, go get some natural stones, and cleanse and stack them there. This simple, virtually cost-free method is all you need to begin practicing Greek Polytheism. Everything else can come later in good time as you are able, should you choose. 

To dedicate and officially "open" your natural altar, you might recite a prayer along these lines and light a cone of incense as your first offering to The Dodekatheon at this structure,

Upon this sacred structure,
I request the blessings and recognition of the Gods of Olympus,
that it may now be a holy altar in their honor and glory.

In the Goodness of the Gods,