Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Have You Really Thought About How Wonderful Life Is?

The longer we live with something as a routine, the more we either tend to take it for granted or not give it a second thought. I think that's the primary cause of taking things for granted, even of getting bored. It's the same with the simple fact of being alive. We've been doing it for decades every single day, and so we end up going through the days as if they were mere motions, not realizing the wonderful blessing the Gods have given us.

When I was a young man, especially as a teenager and young adult, I was overtly in love with life, and for so long over the past few years, I have wondered how I could get back to that mindset. It was the time when I was the poorest and most unaccomplished, but I still loved the world, life, and the Gods once I came to know them.

Why? I think it was because I simply understood how much of a blessing it was to be able to experience life every day. To see the beauty of nature, eat amazing food, wear colorful clothes, travel to new places, meet interesting people, feel the love of those who loved me, learn new things, read a new book; to kiss a new girl. It was all wonderful, and brought a smile to my face. That's not to say I never experienced sadness. We all do. But I somehow did not let it define me.

However, the older we grow, the more we tend to fall in love and obsession with all the things that rob us of our smile when we fail to achieve them. We even fall in love with things that destroy us. And eventually, we find ourselves in a situation of never-ending strife. It's no wonder than our nation is depressed and anxious.

Each day, I try instead to get up with a love for life and a heart grateful to the Gods, because that's what truly matters. Instead of saying, "I have to go to work," say, "I get to go to work." Instead of saying, "I hate this house, " say, "I have a comfortable place to live. That's not to say you can't have goals of improvement if you want, it's simply the practice of realizing what a wonder it is to be alive each day. Of all the people who could have been born instead of you, the Gods chose you.

In the Goodness of the Gods,
I'll see you at the next Herm down the road,
Chris Aldridge.

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