Sunday, June 23, 2024

You'll Feel Like You Die A Little

When you become a highly spiritual person, especially for a long period of time, you start to ascend above the mundane chains that hold so many other people down, and one of those is hate. I'm not only talking about its worst forms, such as hate groups. I mean generally a heavy resentment toward someone. You'll eventually notice that every time you say, "I hate you," you feel as though you die a little inside.

Once you have connected your life with service to the Gods, hate begins to break that connection, because the Gods are not part of hate, and that's why you feel a death inside you. The greatest life in all the universe is starting to separate from you. I realized this a long time ago, which is why I stop myself and refuse the emotion. No matter how hard it may be, or how deserving the target may be of my wrath, it's not worth the weight on my soul.

Even just speaking of the purely mundane physical, hate will still end up destroying you, and perhaps even those you love. A bitter and vengeful person will never find any peace, happiness, or anyone who wants to be around them, which is a grim forecast for our society, since hate is taught in so many forms by modern media, politics and educational systems. Hate between genders, orientations, races, religions, political parties, you name it, it's there; constantly being injected into the human psyche to the point that we think we can't live and be successful without it. There always has to be an enemy.

In the past, I've heard it said that the best revenge is living well. To show someone deserving of your hate that you can be happy no matter what they've tried to throw at you, or have done to you, might just make them feel like the clowns they are. To make an ass out of someone who thinks they're a stallion, to show that they have been absolutely powerless in your life, will twist their insides the most.

Hate, whether it be unjustified or warranted, is not rational, because only you hurt. Throw it all away and keep your ascension going. 

In the Goodness of the Gods,
I'll see you at the next Herm down the road,
Chris Aldridge.

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