Monday, December 16, 2024

Find The Love Of The Gods In This Room

See everything before you as an opportunity to experience the wonder of the Gods, is something I have always said, but it can be far harder than one might imagine, especially if we don't like the situation we are in. But in said situation, the Gods may teach us more than we could have conceived.

Most of the jobs I've had in my life, I have considered at least beneath me, if not outright hated. Even if I tried to find the good in them, it seemed impossible ultimately. Once I had a job at a local McDonald's just so that I could pay my debts, in the face of my hold job that I had held for 5 years, but that had basically stopped paying its workers. The feeling of being betrayed doesn't even begin to describe it, spending years on the false hope they promoted that you could make it as an independent contractor. It ended with my vehicle destroyed and bank account emptied, so it would have been ridiculous to expect me to feel good about nabbing the first job I could find as a security net.

Then one day, something said to me, "Find the love of the Gods in this kitchen you're working in." In this job I hated, something Higher wanted me to seek to find Divine love. I wondered how in the world I would accomplish such a task. Nevertheless, I sought to obey, of course. I was clearly trying to be taught something. But although I tried and tried, I could never find it. 

Soon I went to my next job across the street at the travel center, or gas station in laymen's terms. More pay, and apparently, less stress, appealed to me greatly (although the less stress part was a foolish thing to assume). But as a customer, I had indeed enjoyed the atmosphere of the place. As I would soon find, experiencing it as an employee is a world different, and I did not like it. However, the mission given to me was still in my head, to find the love of the Gods in this place I couldn't stand.

For months, I once again went on this journey in failure. Then I talked to my wife, who is a Hellenic Oracle. I did not go to her with this question or mission in mind, but we talked frequently about how much I hated my job. She one day said to me that I help keep the world moving, that without gas stations, everything would literally stop. The world that the Gods love, I help keep moving forward, as far as humanity is concerned, and therefore, I am working for the good of my Polis (City).

That's when I found the love of the Gods even in an undesirable job. I still didn't love my job, but it still changed my attitude about my future jobs and endeavors, whatever they may be in the future. To find wisdom, purpose and achievement is the point in all your journeys.

In the Goodness of the Gods,
I'll see you at the next Herm down the road,
Chris Aldridge.

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