Tuesday, December 31, 2024

When Artemis Graced My Dreams

In one of the Hellenic groups on Facebook that I am a member of, someone recently posted about their encounters with Greek Gods in their dreams. I commented that I had seen Artemis in a dream before, and someone asked me to talk about it. I decided it would make an excellent blog post. I've mentioned it briefly in a past article, but didn't go into all the details, to my memory.

I do not recall the exact date, but let us say sometime before 2019, and I will also discuss how I verified this experience. 

I was in a beautifully wooded area, but standing in a clearing of brown soil. There were other Beings around in the distance that I can only describe as other Gods, but only one came close to me in this particular encounter. She walked alongside me and held my hand. She was dressed in white with a bow, long black hair, and a beautifully pleasant face and smile. Finally, she looked at me and said, "I love you." How did I know She was Artemis? Simply put, I just did. A God visited to tell me that they loved and were with me. Then the dream came to an end.

In 2019, I was talking with a friend of mine in Freeport, Illinois, named John, about experiences with Gods. He told me of his own sighting of Artemis, and without me telling him about mine, we both described the same physical features of the Goddess. We were two separate witnesses who described the same experience. That was one reason that we both knew our encounters were real.

Although my dream was short, brief, and has never happened since, I have to say that it was one of the most blissful I have ever had. When the Gods visit, you know it, and nothing else matters nor filters in. Nothing exists in the presence of a God except what they want to exist. 

As for the reason for the visit in my dreams, I still cannot say beyond the surface. I think that human life can have its hard roads, and sometimes the Gods just want us to know that they still care and haven't forgotten us.

In the Goodness of the Gods,
I'll see you at the next Herm down the road,
Chris Aldridge.

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